Mario Ultra Fanon Wiki

Mario- Episode 1: Mario, Mario, Mario! is the first episode of the !ario cartoon series.


Mario and Luigi prank Bowser, who tries to prank then back.


Mario: Luigi! I need something to eat!

Luigi: I'm working on something, Mario! Come here!

Mario: Your dying the water orange inside Bowser's Castle?

Luigi: Bowser would be filled with fury!

Mario: Letsa go!

(Two hours later)

Mario: We made it...

Luigi: Go Luigi!

Mario! Go us! Not Bowser! Go us! Not Bowser!

(Five minutes later)

Mario: Go and drain the lava and fill it with the orange water!

Luigi: K!

Bowser: Hi, Mario!

Mario: Hey, Bowser.

Bowser: I mean, DIE!

Mario: This is going to be so easy!

(Mario goes to the axe and dances and laughs)

Bowser: (screams) I'll get you, Mario!


Bowser: Help! Help! I'm dying! Please! Help!

Luigi: Hi, Koopa and Goomba. Look at Bowser!

Goomba: That's water dyed orange. Great prank.

Mario: Luigi's idea!

Bowser: What? Water... Dyed... Orange?!

Mario: (laughs) Yeah, spiky shell!

Bowser: I'll kill you! (Bowser climbs up his new ladder)

Mario: (lowers the bridge and it bonks on Bowser's head)

Bowser: Ow!

(three hours later)

Bowser: Goomba! I order you to get this dye off me!

Goomba: Yes, sire!

Bowser: Those Mario Brothers would pay for that prank!

Kamek: Why don't you- (is cut off by Bowser)

Bowser: Shut up, Kamek!

(three hours later)

Bowser: When Mario trips over this rope, the rope would make his head hit the pan on the tree!

Mario: Look at that rope.

Luigi: What rope, Mario? (wink)

Mario: Nothing. (wink)

Bowser: Just pull the stupid rope!

Mario: How?

Bowser: You know how!

Luigi: How?

Bowser: Like this! (Bowser is lifted up into the sky and is hit with a pan on the head)

Mario: Nice one, huh Luigi?

Luigi: Yep, bro!

(ten minutes later)

Bowser: Now, I make a cut-out of Princess Peach...

Kamek: That was my idea!

Bowser: Shut up, Kamek!

Kamek: Yes, sir!

Bowser: When Mario comes to save her from a boiling pot of lava, I tilt the lava and Mario = gone!

Mario: Peach! I'll save you! (tilts the lava over to Bowser) Oops!

Bowser: (screams) (roars)
